…Canadian tux…


Since this week was declared by KEMPT as Denim week, I decided to give the Canadian tuxedo a try… Jay Leno anyone?!

On me: H&M shirt, Converse One Star selvedge jeans, belt from Target, H&M brogue boots, Trashness bracelets

Its the weekend everyone, Happy Friday!!!

…tassel & jeans, take 2…


I’m really digging the jeans and tassel loafer look, same shoe different wardrobe.  The tie was removed since I opted for a more casual Friday look.  Anyways its the weekend everyone, enjoy it.  Happy Friday!!!

On me: Corduroy sport coat, J.Crew button down shirt, Penguin Jeans, Union Jack belt from Target, Trashness bracelet, Nunn Bush tassel loafers

…tassel & jeans…


Burgundy tassel loafers, no socks (or hidden) and jeans is a pretty good combo for me, I added and oxford shirt and a gray one button blazer to complete the look, oh and a linen tie and floral pocket square to hint at the warmer weather coming in.

Happy hump day everyone!

…prepped & blue…


Blue dress shirt, blue pocket square, navy blue sport coat, blue jeans…

On me: Neiman Marcus sport coat (thrifted), linen pocket square, Brooks Brothers dress shirt, Izod tie, Penguin slim fit jeans, GH Bass penny loafers

Hope all of you had a great thanksgiving, now back to the daily grind. Happy Tuesday peeps!!!